If you have been around the ministry of Livada for a while, you know that most times when one of our houses open, it is a grand event with ceremony, celebration, guests from Romania and America, lots of pictures and smiling faces. This is very appropriate as the opening of these houses represents rescue, safety, family and home to those children who leave the orphanage and enter our care and our family.
Sometimes though, God choses to rescue us when we don't understand the need or the reason. Sometimes we are blind to our own circumstances and deeper needs. God moves in and removes us from one situation or area of comfort for us and moves us into the unknown. It may be scary, it may even seem mean and unfair, but that is one of the amazing things about God... He loves us too much to leave us where we are when He knows there is something better.
So, right now at 11:00 AM in Targu Mures, with few looking on, no pictures being taken, while some cry and others celebrate in the hope of what is to come... We will get a glimpse of this process that God uses in all our lives in a very tangible way. Daniel Simon will leave Casa Nadia today. This has been his home for two years now and although he struggles, it is his comfort zone. He knows what to expect, how to work the system, how to get attention and how to "escape" when he is overwhelmed.
Daniel will enter into "Casa Daniel." This is a house set up specifically for him and prepared for him as a therapy home through months of prayer, preparation, research and training of staff... Our prayer is that God will use this place and this year in Daniel's life to do what He often does to us at critical times in life... That he would remove him from his false sense of what life is about and his need to live protecting himself from fears that he doesn't understand and to learn how to come under the umbrella of God's love, protection, authority and comfort.
We pray that in the years to come he will look back, thankful that God took him through this time where everything he thought was real was taken from him, so that God could rebuild his heart and his mind with truth and could heal him from past hurts and allow him to live in freedom.
There will be pictures and updates as things settle down, but for now, please pray for the staff that will work with Daniel daily, for the counselors who will supervise this project and meet with him regularly, and for Daniel, that when he stops fighting and crying, that he will receive what God has for him. Thank you!