It comes every year... it is anticipated and slightly feared... it is greeted joyfully by some and with sadness by others... It is the first day of school. While it arrived in America a few weeks ago, we welcomed it today here in Romania!
It was an earlier morning than most had seen in a while and everyone was a buzz... the younger ones full of energy and some of the older ones changing clothes multiple times... but finally they were all ready and waiting for the first day to begin...
Casa Ana

Casa Nadia

Casa Rebeca

Elena, the Director of Casa Ana & Nadia, was there for the festive start of school. She made sure that everyone had flowers to give to their teachers, which is a Romanian first day of school tradition, and that everyone knew the plan for getting each child to their school, to their class and having someone make it to each classroom to meet the teachers. Even with most of the houses' full staff joining in this morning it is a huge undertaking! Alina, the Director of Casa Rebeca, along with all three educators took part in dividing up the eleven children from Casa Rebeca to make sure each child was where they needed to be.

Zorro was never put in school when he lived at home and came to us at age 11 with no formal schooling and too old to begin. We signed him up for "school from a distance" and basically home schooled him for three years. He quickly showed that he was very capable but had never been given the opportunity to learn. He took on first and second grade in one year and then also completed third and fourth.
At this point home schooling is no longer an option and we had many, many, many meetings, requests, appeals and more before we were finally able to sign Zorro up for school for 5th grade this year, even though he is older that the allowed age for his grade. As you can see on his face, he is thrilled to finally be going to his first "real" first day of school!

There are some other "firsts" on the horizon for some of our older children. Simona & Elis will move into a mentor apartment with Gabi, who has been a mom at Casa Ana for three years, as their mentor in a few weeks... They are excited and scared about this new step.

Marian started his first day of high school today and was dressed up and looking very grown up. He will be moving into a mentor apartment later this week and is looking forward to being away from the "little kids", but we know that he will miss them!

Please pray for the kids in the coming weeks as several of them are starting new schools, just starting to change classes, just starting high school and more. Pray that they will apply themselves and learn all they can and that they will make good friends. Thanks.