Saturday, November 22, 2008

A Special Outing

Awhile ago, at Casa Nadia, Rebeca, and Ana, we implemented a point system to help with the behavior of the kids. We realized the importance of not only correcting inappropriate behaviors but of rewarding good behavior. The kids have several rules that they must follow, and for the rules they follow well, they receive points each day. At the end of the week, if they have a high number of points, they are rewarded with extra time on the computer for a week, getting to stay up later for a week, and a special outing in town.

Last week, 3 kids from Casa Rebeca received all of their points, and they got an extra special treat. Basketball season has begun again in Romania and Kati Darvas, Levi, and Stefan were treated to their first basketball game ever. They screamed, cheered, and REALLY enjoyed the game. They especially enjoyed that we waited after the game to take pictures with some of the American basketball players!

The kids LOVED the experience, and they have promised that they are going to get ALL their points every week so that they can keep coming to the games!

Thursday, November 20, 2008

Graduations & Beginnings...

When the young adults in our mentor program are ready for independent life, they "graduate" from our care. This fall we have had three young men graduate. Mihaita received an apartment through a state ANL program and is living independently and working. Erno finished high school and found a job in Cyprus. He is now living and working there with several other graduates from our program. Gabi graduated from the university in Bucharest last spring and will get his Social Work license this winter. He is working in Bucharest and is hoping to attend Dallas Theological Seminary next year.

As these young men have graduated from our care and are making a new start on their own two feet, there are a few of the oldest "kids" from our houses who have just moved on to begin their journey toward independent life in the mentor program.

In October, Marian moved from Casa Rebeca where he has "grown up" over the past 3 and a half years to a mentor apartment. The kids from Casa Rebeca sent him off with kind words and memories of their years together. It was a sweet time for Marian. He joined Marcel, who has been in the program for several years and their new mentor Andi who is living with them and mentoring them through these next years.

The two oldest girls from Casa Ana also joined the mentor program this month after living at Casa Ana for the last three years. Simona and Elis are living with their mentor Gabi in an apartment and starting to learn to shop, cook, pay bills and much more about life and character. Gabi has been a mom at Casa Ana from the beginning and was a perfect choice to become the mentor for these young ladies. Her strong relationship with them and with the Lord will help them all through this transition time.

Please pray for our recent graduates as they step out on their own. Pray that they will know that we are always here to help and to guide them. Pray also for those who have just taken their first step "out of the nest" into their apartments. Pray for them to ease into the transition from being a "kid" to being a "young adult" and that they would handle both the freedom and responsibility that comes with it wisely with the help of their mentors who will walk alongside them each step of the way.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


We recently found out that the facility we have used for the last 2 and ½ years for the Underground is no longer available for our use. We have been searching all over town to find another facility that is available and appropriate for the program that we do. Please pray for us as our options are few, and the need for a facility is urgent as the program must go on for these 60+ kids.

Last week, as we had no where to go to do the Underground, we decided to do a scavenger hunt in town with the teens. Everyone had a blast running all over town taking pictures in front of different locations, doing different things, and trying to be the team to have the most points at the end of the night. It is great to see how God provided a great, fun option even when we felt like our situation was close to impossible.

Please continue to pray for us to have wisdom in hearing God’s voice as far as His desire for the Underground in the future. Pray that we will have success in finding a great location and continued success in coming up with fun programs and activities that help us to better communicate God’s love to these 60+ teens!

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Giving Back...

As most of you know by now, “livada” is the Romanian word for orchard. It is the mission of Livada Orphan Care to nurture Romanian orphans so that their lives will one day bear fruit that will last.

We wanted to take a moment to praise the Lord and share with all of you as we have seen this happen in the life one teenager this year. Istvan Kalanyos is a 19 year-old boy who has grown up in Ludus. He came to know Christ as his personal Savior this summer, and he has faithfully been attending church ever since.

The change in his life has been incredible to watch, and God has become so evident in Him. Not only has Istvan’s life, attitude, personality, and heart changed, but his life is also bearing fruit that will last. Istvan asked if he could start volunteering with us, and he helps about 5 days a week. He comes to almost every club that we do all over Mures County.

He truly has a servant’s heart and has a connection with the kids that the rest of us never will. He grew up with many of them. He knows their hurts, their fears, and their pain. The kids have responded so well to him, and we have been so blessed to watch the change in his life and his desire to impact others around him.

Praise God with us as He has changed another heart and that we are seeing a life that was so broken begin to bear fruit that will last for eternity.