Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Storms & Prayers

Storms come in all shapes and sizes... from quick little thunder showers to hurricanes. They are often the most difficult when they hit in waves. In the midst of the ministry that God has given us here in Romania to the least of these, the orphaned and abandoned children, we often find our selves fighting storms of all kinds.

Sometimes the storms are raging in the hearts and minds of the children in our care. These storms almost always surface in overtly rebellious behavior, lashing out at those who are trying to help them and love them. They also brew just below the surface due to their past, their survival techniques and often times their hormones.

Please pray for all of our kids who face these storms in different ways... some batten down the hatches and hide from others and the world inside themselves, others allow the storm to overtake them and lash out at those around them. Please pray specifically right now for Marian, Adi, Geza, Bella, Maria & Simona who are drenched and scared but afraid to come in out of the storm to the loving arms of the Father and those He has placed around them... to love them and help them to find their way.

We are also facing some physical and spiritual storms against getting camp Vetca up and running for the summer that is rapidly approaching. Last night it was a physical storm that took out our big meeting tents that had just been wired with lights and left them in a pile. This on top of "dust storms" caused by running from place to place trying to find all the things needed for the construction crew that is here in a country where everything is done in person and their is no such thing as a place where you can "find it all."

The storm coming against us is most of all spiritual. Satan wants nothing more than to wear us out and have us give in as we are on the brink of an amazing new opportunity to bring over 500 kids and teens out this summer for an new experience like they have never had in a brand new place... where they will have the opporunity to meet the Ancient of Days, The Almighty, The Father of the fatherless, The One who will never leave them or forsake them.

Please join us this week and the following few weeks before camp starts in calling out to The One who calms the storms and walks on water... The One who created the whole world in 6 days... The One who knew way before we did that our verse for the summer would be... "With man this is impossible, but with God ALL things are possible."

Please pray specifically for:

1. Good weather and good health for the construction team from May 31 - June 6.

2. Pray for a good solution to be found for the large meeting area (either a tent repair and way to keep it secure or a new option).

3. Pray for all the supplies that seem to be difficult to find to be located and available before camp starts.

4. Pray for Paul & Fiona Coles to have a time of rest before camp starts. Pray that God will give them what they need to be encouraged and empowered to lead with enthusiasm this summer after months of camp development.

5. Pray that all the resources will come in to make camp possible this summer for all the kids... even pray that if there is a team that would join us for one of the open weeks that God would open the doors to make that possible.

6. Pray for safe travel and servants hearts for our interns that will arrive next Thursday to serve with us all summer.

7. Pray that none of us as staff, interns, volunteers, team members, etc. would allow Satan a foothold this summer, but that we would face the raging storms with the power of Christ who lives within us!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hey Kelly,
Know that we are praying for you all! Say hello to all the American staff & Shek and Fiona!

