Camp is a fun week, filled with activities, crafts, stories, Bible verses, singing and more... but the most treasured time at camp for the kids and the leaders comes on the last night. This is the time set aside for every leader to pray over each child from their team that week. These children are prayed for in Romanian, Hungarian, English... whatever that leader's mother tongue is. They may not understand it all, but they know it is a sacred and special time. They know that they are being lifted up before God in prayer. For most this is the most inimate and special time that they share with anyone all year. It is such a blessing to pray over each of them and lift their hurts, their hearts and their lives before the Father of the fatherless and The One who will never leave them or forsake them... God our Father who has a special mission planned for each of their lives and has made a way for them to join Him in it!

After prayer time, there is a final campfire for the week... What a good time to rejoice in what God has done, sing and praise Him and enjoy the last evening together!

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