It is just over a month until camp Vetca opens its gates to the first group of 50 kids and teenagers for The Vetca Olympics 2008. Planning and preparation is going well and we are excited to see what God has in store for us this summer.
In true style though there is always an adventure, always something that hits us at the last minute, something that is completely out of our control. Perhaps it is to grow our faith, develop our characters or just remind us of the fact that we are small, insignificant beings compared to God’s greatness! Last year it was building a camp, marquee tents that blew away in the storm and no water! This year it is grass. Yes grass or the lack of it to be more accurate.
The land at camp was very uneven last year and so to prevent broken ankles this summer the ground was turned and levelled in the fall. New grass seed was sown and we waited to see how nice and thick it grew. Only it didn’t. We kept a close eye on it but since it has only turned warm here this month, it is only now that we can see the true extent of the problem and the serious lack of grass. To cut a long story short, it would appear that our camp ‘administrator’ sowed the seed around the edges of the field, we use to play all our games, and then stole most of the rest rather than planting it. So now it’s sparse to say the least and with any rain at all this summer we will be in very large mud pit for 7 weeks! These orphan kids and teenagers come with one pair of shoes and one change of clothes so this is not a good situation.
At this point there is not a whole lot we can do but pray. We know that God provides and that He is bigger than grass! Please join with us as we pray that God will work a miracle and multiply the seed that is already there so that the grass will spread to fill in the bare patches. Pray that this is an opportunity for the kids, the people of the village and us to be in awe of the great things our God can do!
From a distance it looks pretty green

But on closer inspection there are wide spaces with little or no grass at all.

Thank you for praying with us for grass!