Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Bobo Gets Baptized...

Although this blog is coming to all of you late, its message is quite exciting! This fall, Bobo, one of the teenagers in our Mentor Apartment Program, decided to publicly display her commitment and love for Jesus through baptism. This was a very happy and proud moment for us and for her! She has started attending a new church this year, and she has truly found joy and a newfound love and commitment for the Lord. She is proud of this and is not ashamed to speak openly with the other kids about her commitment. It has been very exciting to watch her grow and mature in her love for the Lord.

At her baptism, the pastor spoke of the fact that Bobo has never really had parents and has absolutely no memories of her life before the orphanage but that God has filled that void in her life and truly is her Father! This is a concept so foreign to many of us but so real in the lives of the children we work with in Romania. Praise the Lord with us over such a joyous event in the lives of one of our precious children.

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