Saturday, October 11, 2008

New Programs this Fall...

This fall, we started a few new programs with Follow Up that we hadn’t been doing in the past. One of the things we started doing is separating the Fundatia LOC kids based on age and doing follow up programs for them. We saw a huge need for the kids of Livada to have a fun and exciting opportunity to hear about God outside of their typical home environment. The “older” kids will have a youth group type program modeled after what we do at the Underground, and the “little” kids will have a Vacation Bible School type program modeled after what we do at Club Fuel. This will take place every Monday night, but the groups will rotate so that they have a program every other week. It is a great opportunity for the Livada kids to be taught about God by the Follow Up staff and volunteers because they so rarely have the opportunity to be surrounded by Christian teenagers and young adults outside of the staff that works with them on a daily basis.

Alina, a member of the Follow Up staff, decided that she wanted to start a new program with the girls from one of the group homes in Sincrai. The girls are from House 11, and Alina had a really strong relationship with these girls from when she was a volunteer and from camp this summer. The girls are entering their teenage years, and Alina, as well as many volunteers, saw a huge need and opportunity to minister to them. They take the girls out of their home to the office, and spend Saturday afternoons playing games, talking, doing a lesson, and spending time building deeper relationships with them.

This fall we also have decided to resume going to the orphanage in Reghin on a biweekly basis. We will also continue going to the orphanage in Zau and the group homes in Tarnaveni and Sarmas, and we will continue busing kids into town for Club FUEL from Sincrai, Patelea, Compenita, and Santana. We will also have kids to town for the Underground from Sincrai, Miercurea Nirajului, Şincai, Zau, and the night shelter in Targu Mures.

We have a busy schedule this fall, but we, as a follow up staff and volunteers, feel we have a huge opportunity to reach a large number of kids every week. God has given us all a passion and love for these kids, and we would appreciate your prayers as we would love to see change in the lives of many this fall!

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