This Christmas season was especially special for all of us here at Fundatia LOC who have the privilege of working with the 300+ kids who are still under the care of the state. As most of you know, we have not had the opportunity of seeing these kids at all since our camp program this summer. Normally, we have the chance to see all of these kids on a weekly or biweekly basis, so it has been very difficult to not see them, spend time with them, know how they are doing, and continue sharing God's love with them. However, this Christmas, we were given the opportunity to do a separate party at each location all over Mures County. Praise the Lord!
Thanks to several individuals who sent money and gifts and to Samaritan's Purse who donated shoeboxes full of toys, candy, clothes, toiletries, etc, each child received their own gift at the end of all of our parties. Each party was like a reunion full of laughter, hugs, smiles, and fun. We were extremely blessed by the opportunity to spend time with each of the kids that we, and so many of you, have had the opportunity to invest in over the years.
We are so thankful for your generosity and prayers which helped make each of these parties a possibility. Please continue to pray that our Follow Up and Camp programs that we run throughout the year will be approved so that we can continue to show God's love and ours to each of the orphan children of Mures County who so desperately need love. Thanks for being a part of the biggest Christmas gift that the staff of our Follow Up ministries received this year...seeing, investing in, and loving on these precious kids!!
Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Friday, December 25, 2009
Merry Christmas from Romania!!!
After a late night of Christmas caroling to all the moms, educators, friends and more (a Romanian Christmas Eve tradition)... there was a little rest and then it was time for the excitement that every child awaits...

We wish you a Merry Christmas from Romania! It was a joyful Christmas morning of receiving flip flops and bathing suits... an odd winter gift, but a great preview of things to come this summer as the BIG gift for this year was a trip to the beach this summer!!!

There was also a little treat for the winter too... One of the favorite winter past times for all our kids is sledding and each child received their own sled for use in the winter snow!

We are so thankful for all of our child sponsors and friends who gave this Christmas to make not only this day MERRY, but to keep the JOY alive as the kids await their trip to the Black Sea this summer! You are all a blessing to us and we pray that you have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We will be posting another "Christmas Blog" around July or August when the kids enjoy their gift again!

We wish you a Merry Christmas from Romania! It was a joyful Christmas morning of receiving flip flops and bathing suits... an odd winter gift, but a great preview of things to come this summer as the BIG gift for this year was a trip to the beach this summer!!!

There was also a little treat for the winter too... One of the favorite winter past times for all our kids is sledding and each child received their own sled for use in the winter snow!

We are so thankful for all of our child sponsors and friends who gave this Christmas to make not only this day MERRY, but to keep the JOY alive as the kids await their trip to the Black Sea this summer! You are all a blessing to us and we pray that you have a blessed Christmas and a Happy New Year!
We will be posting another "Christmas Blog" around July or August when the kids enjoy their gift again!
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Help us make it a Merry Christmas!

Will you help to make it a Merry Christmas this year for all of the kids in the care of Livada? No, these pictures don't look like winter fun... but, both of our group homes and all of our apartments have asked for only one thing this year for Christmas... A Family Vacation to the Beach next summer!!!

It has been four years since our last Family Vacation with our kids to the Black Sea. We took them there the first year they were with us to help build a family atmosphere and to give them happy childhood memories to look back on as they came out of their past of abandonment and life in the orphanage. Well, it was a HUGE success then and has been a repeat request each year since then.

This year when we began to talk about needs and wants for Christmas many of the kids said that they would rather only get a stocking on Christmas and make their big gift a trip back to the Sea this summer. The idea spread like wildfire and so this is our request.

If you usually send gifts for the kids at Christmas or if you usually send a monetary gift towards Christmas... This year we ask you to send it to help towards the family beach trip to be held this summer!

You can give through paypal on our website or you can send a check to Livada Orphan Care P.O. Box 1771 Windsor, CA 95492... just mark Christmas in the memo line! Thanks so much for helping us make this Christmas Wish Come True!

Saturday, December 12, 2009
Trimming the Trees!
Beginning on December 1, a holiday here in Romania celebrating their independence, we kicked off the holiday season with the trimming of the tree at Casa Ana-Nadia. Although many in the house were suffering from a virus going around, everyone managed to make it downstairs for this fun time. Ibi, Laura, Janos, Daniela, Fanel & Marga helped the whole time! From tree assembly, to lighting and tinsle, to placing the ornaments just right, they enthusiastically decorated the tree! They were so proud of the finished product and so happy that Christmas time had arrived!
The next night, December 2, we headed over to Casa Rebeca to put up their tree! Sarah, Jeff, Jenny and even baby Jack joined the kids of Casa Rebeca for a full night of assembly, lighting, trimming and carefully putting the ornaments in just the right place according to their color. Eniko headed up the placement of the ornaments, Emese helped make a star for the top of the tree and Bella helped with the lights. Many others gathered around to offer up their part in trimming the tree!
Afterward, we all gathered as a family to eat a delicious meal prepared by Mama Erzsike and lots of laughter was enjoyed throughout the meal. It was a wonderful beginning to this Christmas season!
Friday, December 11, 2009
Christmas Fun Begins...
Each year the children at Casa Rebeca and Ana-Nadia enjoy preparing for Christmas all through the advent season. This year is no different. The children enjoyed the door decorating challenge this week!

They had one hour, could only talk to their roommates and were given a few supplies including 2 posters, a pair of scissors, a glue stick, a few pieces of construction paper, 8 markers, a little foil, garland and wrapping paper... and off they went!

Most hustled into their rooms, a few stumped for ideas, but by the end of the hour (really an hour and a half) they had very creative posters to hang in honor of the Christmas Holiday!

A great time was had by all and the "winning" room was chosen based on creativity, cooperation with one another and good attitude. The winners enjoyed a festive treat and all will enjoy the door decorations throughout the Christmas season.

Please pray that as the children enjoy fun activities during this holiday season that they will also take time to think about the true meaning of Christmas and accept the most precious gift of all... Jesus Christ!

They had one hour, could only talk to their roommates and were given a few supplies including 2 posters, a pair of scissors, a glue stick, a few pieces of construction paper, 8 markers, a little foil, garland and wrapping paper... and off they went!

Most hustled into their rooms, a few stumped for ideas, but by the end of the hour (really an hour and a half) they had very creative posters to hang in honor of the Christmas Holiday!

A great time was had by all and the "winning" room was chosen based on creativity, cooperation with one another and good attitude. The winners enjoyed a festive treat and all will enjoy the door decorations throughout the Christmas season.

Please pray that as the children enjoy fun activities during this holiday season that they will also take time to think about the true meaning of Christmas and accept the most precious gift of all... Jesus Christ!
Thursday, November 26, 2009
The McDonnell's... Living Life in Romania
As you may recall, Jeff & Jenny McDonnell joined our staff in Romania this fall. We wanted to share a little update from them in their own words...
We will soon start our 3rd month here in Romania. It has been a wonderful, crazy, clueless, joyful, getting lost and finding our way kind of month or two! To give you a snapshot of our time here...these are a few of our fondest memories of the past 8 weeks...
5 birthday parties, 3 road trips, 6 soccer games, 13 meals at McDonalds (with the kids of course), 17 language lessons, 1 trip to the zoo, 7 park visits, 14 walks into town, 33 trips to the grocery store or home depot type stores, 22 kids to our house on seperate visits, 2 slumber parties, 3 trips to a doctor, 9 post office visits, 2 baby gates built, and 1 Fall party!

We are thrilled to finally be here. Many days we look at each other and find ourselves saying "we live here!" It is still shocking. As our presence at the houses becomes more permenant and it sinks in with the kids that we aren't just here for a short visit, we feel God's clarity in why we are here even more so than before we left. We are learning how to both be stay at home parents, yet both be full time employed! We are thankful the kids have adjusted so well to living life alongside of us as a family. They have openly embraced Jack and he absolutely loves having 24 older siblings who adore him, in addition to the 17 adults who love to make him laugh and see him walk. What a blessing it is to be apart of the Livada family.

Balance and prayer are the two most common words spoken in our key reminders of how to life life here in Romania. We are learning that the American way of doing things is not always right, nor does it apply here in this foreign land! As we focus on learning the city, the culture, the language, and the kids, as well as raise our own, we pray that at the end of each day we have done something that propels us forward...whether it be giving the kids extra hugs and high-fives, not getting lost:), helping out one of the other staff, and of course taking on those divine moments and be intentional with our conversations to share about God's abundant love. As we are transitioning into our positions here as Directors of Ministry and trying to find our way around, we are just blown away at God's grace and and thankful that He chose us to be a part of these children's lives. Everyday is a gift here.

We pray that all of our kids come to know who they are in Christ and that they are confident in that identity, no matter what the world and their culture tells them. We pray that they let their walls down for us quickly so that we can be effective in walking with them. We pray that we learn the language well and soon so we can communicate one on one with them. We pray that we can build strong relationships with the children, the educators, the house moms and the staff of Livada. We pray that our time with the kids is intentional and that opportunities are not missed to dig deeper. We pray that the kids will be eager to learn more about their heavenly father. We pray for Jack's health, his safety and his heart for the Lord as he grows into toddlerhood. We pray that as a family we can help shephard and guide them into what a life filled of Him looks like. We pray that through us they will see how a family operates with Him at the center and most of all how to love....Him, each other, and others.
We will soon start our 3rd month here in Romania. It has been a wonderful, crazy, clueless, joyful, getting lost and finding our way kind of month or two! To give you a snapshot of our time here...these are a few of our fondest memories of the past 8 weeks...
5 birthday parties, 3 road trips, 6 soccer games, 13 meals at McDonalds (with the kids of course), 17 language lessons, 1 trip to the zoo, 7 park visits, 14 walks into town, 33 trips to the grocery store or home depot type stores, 22 kids to our house on seperate visits, 2 slumber parties, 3 trips to a doctor, 9 post office visits, 2 baby gates built, and 1 Fall party!
We are thrilled to finally be here. Many days we look at each other and find ourselves saying "we live here!" It is still shocking. As our presence at the houses becomes more permenant and it sinks in with the kids that we aren't just here for a short visit, we feel God's clarity in why we are here even more so than before we left. We are learning how to both be stay at home parents, yet both be full time employed! We are thankful the kids have adjusted so well to living life alongside of us as a family. They have openly embraced Jack and he absolutely loves having 24 older siblings who adore him, in addition to the 17 adults who love to make him laugh and see him walk. What a blessing it is to be apart of the Livada family.
Balance and prayer are the two most common words spoken in our key reminders of how to life life here in Romania. We are learning that the American way of doing things is not always right, nor does it apply here in this foreign land! As we focus on learning the city, the culture, the language, and the kids, as well as raise our own, we pray that at the end of each day we have done something that propels us forward...whether it be giving the kids extra hugs and high-fives, not getting lost:), helping out one of the other staff, and of course taking on those divine moments and be intentional with our conversations to share about God's abundant love. As we are transitioning into our positions here as Directors of Ministry and trying to find our way around, we are just blown away at God's grace and and thankful that He chose us to be a part of these children's lives. Everyday is a gift here.
We pray that all of our kids come to know who they are in Christ and that they are confident in that identity, no matter what the world and their culture tells them. We pray that they let their walls down for us quickly so that we can be effective in walking with them. We pray that we learn the language well and soon so we can communicate one on one with them. We pray that we can build strong relationships with the children, the educators, the house moms and the staff of Livada. We pray that our time with the kids is intentional and that opportunities are not missed to dig deeper. We pray that the kids will be eager to learn more about their heavenly father. We pray for Jack's health, his safety and his heart for the Lord as he grows into toddlerhood. We pray that as a family we can help shephard and guide them into what a life filled of Him looks like. We pray that through us they will see how a family operates with Him at the center and most of all how to love....Him, each other, and others.
Sunday, November 8, 2009
The Apartment Girls...
We asked the mentor for the girl's apartment, Gabi, for an update for the blog and her words and heart for the girls shown through so much we just wanted to share it from her point of view.
Maria has started high school this year. She likes the school she attends, however it has very high expectations and is difficult. Maria is still working hard to adjust from her grade school which did not prepare her well for the challenges of this level of study. She often comes home stressed and worried by all that she has to learn, so I stay with her to talk her through it and encourage her. Although it is difficult, Maria is working very hard and has made it a priority. She often refrains from other activities so that she can study.

Maria is really enjoying being in the apartment. She is very responsible and loves learning to cook. She has friends from school and from our homes and likes to spend time with them. I am thankful to God for Maria. She is such a precious girl who is making mature decisions. Since the time she moved in, she has been a big help and has had no major problems. My big prayer for her is that she will adapt to school, learn well and organize her time well so that she can reach her dreams.

Elis is taking a course right now to qualify her to work in stores like a supermarket. It has been a difficult time for her recently and she has come to understand that she will graduate from the mentor program next year. She felt that those in authority were basically joking with her trying to scare her into getting a job, but is now starting to see the reality of the situation. I have been all around town with her putting in applications, but up until now it has been difficult to find anything.

God is good and now Elis is working for a cleaning company at the Mures Mall. She is working with an official work card and really likes her job, her boss and her co-workers. Her boss has been kind to her and praises her for her hard work. Elis now realizes that she needs to save money for her future and is working hard to have as much saved as possible before she graduates. I am so thankful to God that He has heard my prayers and we have come to a place to see Elis working and understanding her responsibility towards her future. My prayer for Elis is that she will continue to take her job seriously and work hard and also that she will continue to learn and retain the life skills we are working on in the apartment as well. She is the only one of the girls who attends church with me right now and I pray that in God's timing she will come into a personal relationship with Him.

Simona is attending the same course as Elis, but sadly has not found a job yet. Over time she has begun to show an interest in learning to cook and enjoys making all kinds of cakes and desserts. She is keeping a recipe book of all that she is learning and is beginning to accept my help. I have been with her as well to look for a job, but it is difficult as she only wants to work in certain kinds of places, which makes it much more difficult for her to find something. Hopefully, if she hasn't found something by December when she finishes this course, her diploma will help. She has not saved any money and needs to begin to make responsible steps towards her future.

My prayer for Simona is that she would see the importance of having a job and would find a place to work. My other prayer is that she would find good friends who will accept her and with whom she can share. I have tried to be that for her, but without much success. She is learning more independent life skills which is a blessing and I hope to see her in a stable job soon. I know it is difficult, but also know with God it is possible. I want Simona to see herself achieve a goal, to be healthy and to know that my investment in her is from the heart.

We are hoping to begin a Bible Study soon and I hope they will attend and receive the truth, grace and love their Father offers. Pray that we will know how to proceed and that God will bring fruit in their lives.

Please pray for these three girls as well as their precious mentor Gabi as she lives with them and pours her life and heart out for them. Pray that God would give her wisdom, patience, encouragement, joy and time away to be refreshed when she needs it. Thank you.
Maria has started high school this year. She likes the school she attends, however it has very high expectations and is difficult. Maria is still working hard to adjust from her grade school which did not prepare her well for the challenges of this level of study. She often comes home stressed and worried by all that she has to learn, so I stay with her to talk her through it and encourage her. Although it is difficult, Maria is working very hard and has made it a priority. She often refrains from other activities so that she can study.

Maria is really enjoying being in the apartment. She is very responsible and loves learning to cook. She has friends from school and from our homes and likes to spend time with them. I am thankful to God for Maria. She is such a precious girl who is making mature decisions. Since the time she moved in, she has been a big help and has had no major problems. My big prayer for her is that she will adapt to school, learn well and organize her time well so that she can reach her dreams.

Elis is taking a course right now to qualify her to work in stores like a supermarket. It has been a difficult time for her recently and she has come to understand that she will graduate from the mentor program next year. She felt that those in authority were basically joking with her trying to scare her into getting a job, but is now starting to see the reality of the situation. I have been all around town with her putting in applications, but up until now it has been difficult to find anything.

God is good and now Elis is working for a cleaning company at the Mures Mall. She is working with an official work card and really likes her job, her boss and her co-workers. Her boss has been kind to her and praises her for her hard work. Elis now realizes that she needs to save money for her future and is working hard to have as much saved as possible before she graduates. I am so thankful to God that He has heard my prayers and we have come to a place to see Elis working and understanding her responsibility towards her future. My prayer for Elis is that she will continue to take her job seriously and work hard and also that she will continue to learn and retain the life skills we are working on in the apartment as well. She is the only one of the girls who attends church with me right now and I pray that in God's timing she will come into a personal relationship with Him.

Simona is attending the same course as Elis, but sadly has not found a job yet. Over time she has begun to show an interest in learning to cook and enjoys making all kinds of cakes and desserts. She is keeping a recipe book of all that she is learning and is beginning to accept my help. I have been with her as well to look for a job, but it is difficult as she only wants to work in certain kinds of places, which makes it much more difficult for her to find something. Hopefully, if she hasn't found something by December when she finishes this course, her diploma will help. She has not saved any money and needs to begin to make responsible steps towards her future.

My prayer for Simona is that she would see the importance of having a job and would find a place to work. My other prayer is that she would find good friends who will accept her and with whom she can share. I have tried to be that for her, but without much success. She is learning more independent life skills which is a blessing and I hope to see her in a stable job soon. I know it is difficult, but also know with God it is possible. I want Simona to see herself achieve a goal, to be healthy and to know that my investment in her is from the heart.

We are hoping to begin a Bible Study soon and I hope they will attend and receive the truth, grace and love their Father offers. Pray that we will know how to proceed and that God will bring fruit in their lives.

Please pray for these three girls as well as their precious mentor Gabi as she lives with them and pours her life and heart out for them. Pray that God would give her wisdom, patience, encouragement, joy and time away to be refreshed when she needs it. Thank you.
Friday, October 23, 2009
Highlight... Emese Ionas

When the first group of kids moved from Ludus and into Casa Rebeca five years ago, Emese was the youngest girl in the house. She was the princess of the house! Over the past year, we have had the privilege of watching Emese grow and mature from a little girl into a beautiful, young woman inside and out.

In Casa Rebeca, Emese has shown many improvements in her behavior. She has become a better listener, is more organized, and has grown to appreciate things and people much more. It has been great to watch her relationships with the other kids and staff in the house develop and deepen. Emese has also become more interested in being involved in the different programs and activities that we do within the house. One of the major issues she struggles in within the house is controlling her frustration. She is often easily provoked and says things that she shouldn’t. Please pray for Emese that she will learn to better control her frustration, anger, and the words she says.

At school, Emese has also shown great improvements in many areas. She has become much more sociable, and has begun making good friends in her class. Her two best friends from school, Raluca and Denisa, have been to visit her at home, and she has also been to visit them. When her educator went to talk to her teachers, her teachers praised her and said that she seems to have developed a greater self-esteem and courage in herself. She has begun to participate much more and is much more active in the classroom. Emese is very dedicated to succeeding in school. One of the most positive and admirable traits Emese has is that she is a very hard worker when it comes to school. What she lacks in scholastic capability, she works extra hard to compensate for because she is very motivated by grades and success. Please pray for Emese that God will reward her for her diligence in school and that He will deepen her relationships that she has developed in her class.
Before the end of the year Emese will have an operation on each of her knees. She will need a great deal of encouragement during this time and during her recovery. It will be an extremely difficult time for her as she will not only need to rebuild her strength in both of her legs, but she will also miss at least six weeks of school. She will need to keep up with her classmates so that she won’t have to repeat the whole year. Please continue to pray for Emese that her issues with her knees will be resolved with these surgeries. Pray that she will finally have relief from the pain and embarrassment she has felt for years because of her knees. Pray that God will provide people in her life to encourage her in this time, and that she will continue to be diligent in her studies so that she will not fall behind!

Thank you so much for your prayers and love for Emese. We are so proud of the young lady she has become, and we appreciate your prayers as she is entering her adolescent years. Pray that we will have wisdom in how to best encourage her and that she will realize how deeply loved she is by the staff at Casa Rebeca and most importantly by her Heavenly Father!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
Adi Moves In...
The boys were glad to finally officially welcome Adi to their apartment this month! It has been a long process of paperwork and approvals, but Adi has now joined the boys in their apartment and has brought with him a new level of excitement and joy!
His mentor says that Adi is full of energy and always wants to do something. He is full of questions and is always wanting to learn something new! Adi gets along great with his new "roommates" Marian and Cornel and they are all helping each other as they learn life skills and move a little closer to independence. Adi seems to be adjusting well to the move and is enjoying this new stage in life.
Please continue to pray for Adi as he is starting high school this year and also making this big transition into the apartment with the boys. Pray that he will form a close relationship with his mentor Marius and learn from him. Pray that he will use this new level of responsibility and freedom in a positive way and grow deeper in character during the coming years as well.
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