Will you help to make it a Merry Christmas this year for all of the kids in the care of Livada? No, these pictures don't look like winter fun... but, both of our group homes and all of our apartments have asked for only one thing this year for Christmas... A Family Vacation to the Beach next summer!!!

It has been four years since our last Family Vacation with our kids to the Black Sea. We took them there the first year they were with us to help build a family atmosphere and to give them happy childhood memories to look back on as they came out of their past of abandonment and life in the orphanage. Well, it was a HUGE success then and has been a repeat request each year since then.

This year when we began to talk about needs and wants for Christmas many of the kids said that they would rather only get a stocking on Christmas and make their big gift a trip back to the Sea this summer. The idea spread like wildfire and so this is our request.

If you usually send gifts for the kids at Christmas or if you usually send a monetary gift towards Christmas... This year we ask you to send it to help towards the family beach trip to be held this summer!

You can give through paypal on our website www.livada.org or you can send a check to Livada Orphan Care P.O. Box 1771 Windsor, CA 95492... just mark Christmas in the memo line! Thanks so much for helping us make this Christmas Wish Come True!

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