This week we have had the pleasure of having several visitors from Holland with us here in Romania. These visitors are part of Stichting Livada, a foundation in Holland which is helping with funding and needs of Fundatia LOC in Romania.

Dr. George de Jong and his colleague are providing eye exams for our staff, our kids, and over 300 children and teens that we work with through follow up. They will also be meeting with a ministry of a local church to gypsies. Eye exams are being provided and then anyone who needs glasses will have glasses made and mailed back to us here to distribute. What a blessing!

Many of these children and teens in state care have never had an eye exam and many of them have needed glasses for years. The doctor has spent time with them and helped them to pick the best glasses for them. We are thankful for this service to these young people and the blessing that it is to them to be able to read better, have less headaches and many other blessings that these glasses will provide.

More to come on the other exciting things that our partners from Holland are helping with in the coming days!
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