Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Livada Kids Get Messy!

Just as we were able to have a blast playing messy games with all of the kids with whom we do follow up, we were able to play a bunch of really messy games at Bible study with the Livada kids! If you were to ask the kids from Casa Ana, Nadia, and Rebeca what their favorite thing to do is, many of them would say to play messy games! We had two separate nights of the games, one for the big kids and one for the little kids. Each night, we divided the kids in to 2 teams, boys against girls. They had a great time fighting to prove which gender is the best at getting messy!:)

We have really enjoyed sharing the follow up program that we do with all of the kids in state care with the kids in our Livada group homes. The kids talk about Bible study, about the songs they sing, the skits they watch, the discussions we have, and of course the games we play all the time. It has been great for the kids to have the opportunity to get out of the house to learn about God in a fun and exciting way.

Every once in awhile we just let loose and play our little hearts out, and this week was one of those times. The kids not only competed for the title of the messiest, but they also loved laughing, having a fun time, and cheering their teammates on to victory.

Thanks for your prayers for the follow up staff and volunteers as we continue to minister to the kids who remain in the orphan system in Mures County and to the kids in the Livada group homes.

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