As is always the case, we have them sign up for games without knowing exactly what game they might end up playing. The signed up to prove they were the hungriest, had the best aim, the biggest mouth, the most precise, the most attentive, the strongest, and the most courageous. In order to be the hungriest, they had to be the first to eat a large chocolate bunny. To have the best aim, they had to throw jellybeans while another member of their team tried to catch them. To prove they had the biggest mouth they participated in a game of “chubby bunny” but filled their mouths with dry crackers instead of marshmallows. To be the most precise they participated in a game of bowling where they had to knock as many soda bottles down as possible using a hardboiled egg. The most attentive teen was the first to remove 10 chocolate candies from a bowl of milk. The strongest had to smash a hardboiled egg against an opponent’s hardboiled without cracking his egg. And finally, the most courageous participated in an old fashioned egg toss.

They also participated in some team games. In one, they had to pass a hardboiled egg from one spoon to another and to be the first team to pass it from one end of their line and back, and in another, they had to race each other while carrying their team’s hardboiled egg by spoon. They also competed in a Bible Easter quiz in which all of the teams answered the majority of the questions correctly! At the end of the party, they searched for different colored hardboiled eggs and for each color of egg they found, they received a different prize. The kids really enjoyed their party and games, and they all went home with smiles on their faces!
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