Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Renovation, Repainting & Relocating...

We have had a busy few weeks at our group homes. As many of you know from our Spring e-letter... we have some older teens moving into mentor apartments and so we are consolidating our three group homes into two. In order to do this, we have added a room in each house and are in the midst of repairing and repainting the houses to make them fresh and new for the transition.

It has been a lot of work and we are so thankful to Marian and his crew for all of their hard work... there is still a little more painting that will be done next week while our kids are at camp and then we will be ready to settle in, in our "new" homes!

Even though all the work is not done, the moving went ahead according to plan this past weekend and finished up on Monday. It was a large undertaking and we are still unpacking and making ourselves at home. It is a blessing that we will be able to use the former Casa Rebeca property as our "Intern House" this summer to house all the young adults that will be serving with us all summer here in Romania! They arrive on Thursday, so we are also working to get their home ready.

Thank you for your prayers for quick and quality work as we finish up the renovation, repairs and relocation!

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