As you can imagine, there is always some jealousy when the big kids head off for a night of excitement and the little kids have to stay behind, but this year, that was not the case. We decided to take the little kids into town for the fireworks as well, but….before we headed into town we had a CRAZY party with them at the houses! We had fun music from camp that they all know dances to, and lots of English songs that we sang to like we were rock stars☺ Then right before we got ready to go to town, we popped open some fake, kid’s champagne that they have here! When making a toast, one of the kids threw their drink on someone else…and then the party really began! We had a full on “champagne”/coke war that was so much fun! The aftermath was not so pretty! After the fun, we headed into town and enjoyed the fireworks along with the big kids.

Once all the kids got back home, we all hung out together again and had a great time. The kids stayed up all night and are still telling stories about the fun they had!

Thank you for your continued investment in Livada Orphan Care as we head into the New Year. May God bless you in the coming year as you continue to be a blessing to us!
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