Saturday, December 6, 2008

Reaching out... our kids giving to others

This year we have planned several ways for our kids to reach out and give to others. The children in our care have received so much and it is good for them to realize that they can also help others. One of these opportunities for each house will be visiting the "Casa de Batran" or nursing home and sharing homemade Christmas cards, a little treat and some Christmas joy as they sing carols for them.

Casa Nadia was the first house to visit and although they were a little shy at first... they warmed up and by the end were hugging and sitting with these sweet older people. It was a joy to watch faces light up as children came into their rooms to sing and share with them.

Please pray that as our children continue to reach out to others that they will see how much they have to share and what a blessing they can be to others when they have a generous and open heart.

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