This Sunday was a momentous day for some of the young adults (20-23yr olds) in Livada’s mentor program. It was graduation day, a very special occasion for these young people who have been living in Livada’s care for the last 2 to 4 years. It was a day that signified they were ready to step out into independence, a day to look back at how far they’ve come but more importantly a chance to look forward to where they can be in the future. And what better way to celebrate the progress that has been made and the big things that are to come than a graduation party!
As always Becky Kyle (our mentor program director and events coordinator) had planned a great afternoon. It was a fantastic party that began with food and desserts. Once everyone had an opportunity to eat and chat it was game time! The graduates and their 3 mentors took part in Livada’s very own variation of the Newly Weds game which proved very entertaining indeed! It was hilarious to watch them all as they tried to prove how much they really know about each other.

After plenty of laughs there was some time for those graduating to hear how proud we are of their achievements so far and for them to be reminded that Livada Orphan Care is their family. It was very important for them to hear that this was not the end but rather a new beginning. We were not saying goodbye and we do want to continue to be involved in their lives when both good and bad things happen.
Some of the graduates also wanted to say a few words and it was very encouraging to hear them say thank you for the opportunities they have been given, the things they have learned and the confidence they now have.
Of course nobody left empty handed and they each went away with literally bucket loads of presents. They had pots, sheets, towels, blankets, cleaning supplies, food, toiletries and more! A truly fitting send off for these graduates!

Please continue to pray for Becky this week as she and the mentors work on getting all these young people moved and set up in apartments. Pray too for Radu, Cipri, Nicu, Andrei, Jeno, Crucita and Enti at this exciting but anxious time. Pray that they will settle quickly and learn to juggle a job, living on a budget and life on their own.
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