The youth event that takes place each week in the basement of our local church reaches many of the teens and young adults who are in state care or have recently been "aged out of care." Many of these young people are in town at school or work during the week and go back to orphanages on the weekend or are in smaller state homes. Over 70 young adults attended "The Underground" this week!

Many times this Thursday night event shares Christ and challenges those who attend with the lives of Heros of the faith. But, every few weeks it is a "game night." This week was one of those nights. These over 70 young people packed in to play games on teams, go on a scavenger hunt and just enjoy being in a safe place with people who love them and seek to encourage them wherever they are in life.

Please pray for Paul & Fiona Coles, Emil Moldovan, Ioana Harfas, Rebecca Rasmussen and Andrew Vidal as they pour into these young people at The Underground and all around our county as they go into orphanages and state homes to share the love of Christ and to be a light in the darkness through Follow Up.
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