Alina Muresan, who oversees Daniel's program, shared that she is very pleased that during the first three months of the program, Daniel did not exhibit any aggressive behaviors which had become very common for him at Casa Nadia. She says that she sees a different child now. His eye contact has improved, his face is bright and his beautiful eyes shine. He has learned manners and is very polite and warm hearted. He has begun to share openly about his past and the abuse that he endured. He knows now that he is in a safe place and nothing bad will happen to him here and his walls are coming down.
He is even starting to recognize the positive qualities that he possesses. A few days ago he told Alina that he saw himself in the mirror the other day and realized that he was a beautiful boy and has a nice face and even ears! This is wonderful as he used to be ashamed of his "big ears."

Now that Christmas is near, he is very excited but also sad because he's not at level 3 which would allow him the freedom to visit others outside the house. Therefore we plan to give him a little playmate and responsibility of his own...a little cat, and soon to plan some visits to see his brothers and friends at Casa Nadia.
Pray that Daniel and all our children will experience the JOY of Jesus' birth this Christmas. Pray that Daniel will continue to heal and grow this year so that he can come back to Casa Nadia as "the REAL Daniel" this coming fall.

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