If you have been to Romania with us, chances are you have been to visit this orphanage in Ludus. It has for many years been a matter of prayer for us. The director and staff have typically been against us doing any kind of Christian programing there. It has been a dark place for years where abuse and neglect are the norm. All of the children in our group homes and mentor apartments have been rescued out of the fear and darkness of this place. This orphanage was the only home many of them have ever known.

After the small children were finally moved out of this place earlier this fall, we began to have hope that this orphanage may finally be closing. It has been talked about for almost two years now. We have received word that Ludus will close it's doors for good on December 31! PRAISE THE LORD!
Please pray with us for the almost 30 teenagers who still live at Ludus who are now unsure about their future and where they will go. Some will most likely be "graduated" out of state care, while others will be shifted to live somewhere else. Please pray that the best will be done for each child. Many of these teens have never known another home and are very fearful of leaving this place where they have lived for so long.
Thank you so much for rejoicing with us in seeing the final days of this place and for praying with us for the best possible solution for each child who will be moved. Thank you!
This is great news! I will definately be praying for the placement of the 30 teens!
Katie Heidenreich
Va multumi ca va rugati pentru noi. Va multumim ca ati sustinut prin rugaciunile voastre inchiderea centrului de plasament, unde, majoritatea copiilor, printre care ma aflu si eu, au suferit o groaza de ani de indiferenta statului, neglijenta conducerii Centrului de Plasament fata de abuzurile care se petreceau la Centrul din Ludus. Doamne, fa-mi sufletul piatra de temelie a credintei Tale, ridica-mi fruntea spre Tine, sa zambesc, cum am facut-o prima oara cand am venit pe lume!
cu stima,
Lajos Kristof- www.laji.wordpress.com, laji4all@yahoo.com
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