Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Laura turns 14!

Last week we celebrated Laura’s birthday! In Romania, it is a big deal when you turn fourteen because you are allowed to get your bulletin (official identity card) which is a sign that you are becoming an adult. This was especially exciting for Laura because we have seen so much growth and improvement in her in all areas over the past year.

We have been so excited to watch her grow not only academically but also relationally! It has been so neat to watch her become more comfortable and to begin to express her very own personality. For her birthday, she was able to watch her favorite movie (High School Musical), play games, and open all of her gifts.

She had a blast celebrating with all the kids in the house. Thank you so much to all of the sponsors who so generously send gifts for the kid’s birthdays which help us to make their special day so extra special!

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