The kids then took a few minutes to think through what was in their heart that day. Were they afraid of something, worried about something, upset, sad, happy... was Jesus in their heart? They wrote several things down and then we prayed that God would show us how to let our hearts be filled with Him and to help us trust Him with the other things we find in our hearts each day.
The kids were more honest than a room full of adults would be... they shared the things that made them sad, if they were happy, if they were upset with someone and more. Several wrote that in their heart was love for God because He loved them so much. It showed once again that there is often unknown pain in the hearts of those we come in contact with each day, that we can either help with or make worse. Pray that in the lives of these we are called to love and invest in that we would be healing, encouraging and pointing them towards the one that knows them best of all... their Creator.
It was a sweet time with the kids this week. Please continue to pray for our time together each week, as we share from God's word together and go a little deeper each time with the kids. Pray that hearts will be softened, that truth will take hold and that many will come to know Christ in a personal way as they look into His word.
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