Thursday, February 5, 2009


We wanted to share a little story of one of our graduates that is encouraging and ongoing... Jeno was part of the mentor program for several years and had his ups and downs, but always had a way with people and always dreamed of more. A little over a year ago Jeno moved to Cyprus to live and work. He took the chance seriously and has moved up to being a manager of others at the restaurant where he works. Since moving he has helped two other graduates of our program also receive jobs in Cyprus and has taken them under his wing, helping them to get established.

Jeno is back for a visit right now in Targu Mures and will return home to Cyprus with another of our LOC mentor program participants under his wing. Marcel has been in the program for several years. He is a sweet young man, but struggles with choosing the right friends and always making good choices. He has struggled finding a job since finishing school and Jeno has offered to help him get a job at his restaurant. Marcel will be leaving for Cyprus next week and we are hoping to hear more encouraging stories in the coming months.

Please pray for Marcel as he makes this transition. Pray that he will make good choices, work hard and be responsible. Pray that those who have gone before him from our care... Jeno, Andrei and Erno will be good influences on him. Pray for these and all of our other graduates as they make their way and work to become more than so many believed that they could be. Thank you for joining us in having faith in them!

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