This week we had the opportunity to play messy games with the kids from the three group homes in Tarnaveni where we go every Tuesday night. Every once in awhile, we like to do something unexpected, in hopes of keeping things exciting and fun for them. This week was one of those extra special fun-filled game weeks! Each of the children was able to participate in one or two of the messy challenges in hopes of winning points for their teams.

We had them compete in categories to prove who was the thirstiest, smartest, hungriest, sweetest, cleanest, and messiest. This had them chugging soda, eating doughnuts off of a string, feeding one another yogurt while both being blindfolded, searching through a mound of whipped cream with their mouths to find (and eat) a piece of chocolate which was hidden at the bottom, putting a cut up banana pack together again, and searching for candies in water and flour which made a sticky combination. The kids absolutely loved the opportunity to play some games they had never played and to get their hands dirty (literally!) to prove their commitment to winning as a team!

Please continue to pray for the follow up staff and volunteers to have wisdom in planning the curriculum for this spring that will have a great impact on the lives of all the kids we work with. Also, please pray that God would continue to open the ears, minds, and hearts of each child to hear, understand, and accept the gift He is offering them!
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