Thursday, July 26, 2007

The Royal Children...

Yesterday during our day camp time, these special girls had a special time just with the girls. They were able to have their nails done, their hair fixed and even a little touch of make up. These girls may never get a second glance in society and may always be judged for their scared faces or slower minds. It was great to have the opportunity to remind them that they are daughters of the King of Kings and that in his eyes they are beautifully and wonderfully made, special beyond words and loved forever. It was also a good time to remind them of how they should be treated as princesses as their teenage bodies begin to pass up their little girl minds.

Pray that God will help them to remember how important and loved they are. Pray that they will know their value and worth in Him.

The boys had a special time with the men from the team yesterday as well. They learned about David and his bravery at a young age. They also learned about Joshua and how even when times were hard, he followed God and God used him to lead the people of Israel into the promised land. Pray that these young boys would know that God has a plan for them and longs to be their father and care for them and give them the strength to stand for Him and to be men of honor. The world tells these boys they are not worth much, but God says they are sons of the King!

Pray for sweet little Dorel. He came into the care of this state group home this week after he was taken from his family. The family is already petitioning to take him back. I wonder if God brought him here to this state group home... this week... for a special purpose... It is no coincidence that little Dorel's only time in state care might be the week we were here to share the good news of Christ with him and to show him God's love through us. What an honor to be a part of God's plan.

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