Romanians must get married in a civil ceremony before they can do any other personal wedding in a church or other location. This morning we had Elvis' civil ceremony at the "Casa Casatorilor," which is the "House of Weddings." There was a room with the wedding march playing on a loop with a very official lady who conducted the ceremony. The whole thing lasted about 15 minutes, but our young couple was very happy!

Elvis' dad came to the wedding as did Ana Maria's mom & siblings. It was very sweet though to hear Elvis say that he wanted to take a picture with his family and then call all of us from Livada over to take a picture with him & his new wife.

Please pray for this new family. They have many obstacles yet to overcome, they will be learning to be family after having only a few good examples themselves. Pray that they will be willing to learn together how to be a family and how to love each other and their child. Pray that God will draw them each to Himself in a real way and that they will call out to Him in times of need.
Here they are... Mr. & Mrs. Elvis Vizi...

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