Monday, April 28, 2008

Easter in Romania

We know Easter was a while ago in America, but we just celebrated here in Romania yesterday. The day started with a morning at church with the kids. Each house then had a scavenger hunt around the house with clues to where they would find their hidden Easter Baskets. The kids raced through the houses working together to find the hidden location. Once they were found they enjoyed their fun treats.

After the baskets were found, it was time to hunt for eggs! The kids started out the hunt together and raced to find all the eggs hidden all around the yard! The kids had a wonderful day celebrating our Risen Savior and having fun together!

Thank you for your continuing prayers and support that allow us to bring the fun of childhood to these precious children that for years didn't have anyone care enough to keep them safe and allow them to enjoy the little joys of being a kid!

1 comment:

Shannon said...

Thank you for letting us celebrate with you via pictures and posts!