Thursday, April 17, 2008

Krisztina's Big Day...

For the last several years since the kids moved into Casa Rebeca, they have had similar traditions that they do each year. The child whose birthday it is comes down the stairs to all the other kids singing “Happy Birthday” to them (in Romanian of course). When they come down there is a table set up and waiting for them with a cake and lit candles, presents, drinks, etc. After we finish singing all the kids and staff give a kiss to the birthday boy or girl and wish them a happy birthday! After that, they are able to cut the first slice in the cake.

Everyone is served cake and drinks and after everyone is done with that, we all stand around and ooohhh and aahhhh as the birthday child opens all of their presents. A few days ago, on Kristina’s birthday everyone went to eat their cake, and we suddenly realized Kristina had snuck back to the table and opened all of her gifts even though no one was even there to watch her! I guess she couldn’t wait to see what she got!

When we found her… she looked like a puppy with its tail between its legs! All that to say, Kristina was thrilled with all of her gifts, and she had a great time opening them (we hope☺) Once again, a huge thank you to all of you who make these special moments happen!

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