Most, if not all, of what everyone ever hears and has heard about Ludus is how horrific it was. The abuse, the neglect, and the hurt that took place there have broken our hearts throughout the years. As the doors of Ludus were finally closed last year, everyone rejoiced and praised God that the day had finally come.

Almost everyone, that is. The story many of you probably did not hear is heartbreaking in a very different way. This is the story of the last 30 teenagers to leave Ludus. The majority of these teenagers had lived in Ludus for all of their lives. They endured the abuse and they survived the hurt, and as the doors of Ludus closed, it was a very bittersweet thing for most of them. How could something so great be so hard for those remaining teenagers? To most of them, Ludus was the only home they ever knew; the only “family” they ever had. As dysfunctional as it looked from the outside, that was everything they knew being torn away from them. To them, the only life they ever knew was changing drastically, and change without God and family to walk beside you is something most of us cannot even imagine. Not only was Ludus closing its doors, but they were being separated from each other for the first time. They were sad, angry, and fearful as they stepped into the unknown.

As more than a year has now passed since their move into group homes and apartments, most of them can now see the very positive change that has taken place since they left Ludus. While they can see the good in this change, they still talk about Ludus as if it was their first home and their first family. They discuss their memories, good and bad, openly, and they have grown and matured immensely since this huge change took place in their lives. We have seen big changes in several lives and a strong interest to learn and know more about God. Some of them have started attending church, continue coming to the different programs we have for them, and have shown interest in taking part in a small group where they can continue to learn more about having a personal relationship with God. As the fear of the unknown overwhelmed them, many of them began seeking comfort but didn’t know where to look and what they would find. It has been awesome to watch as, one by one, they are realizing that the love and safety they desire can be found in Christ alone.

As we finished up follow up for the year, we tried to do something special for each group of kids with whom we meet. For this group of teenagers, we decided to take one last trip to Ludus. We piled on buses and took the familiar trip in hopes to bring even more closure for each of them. As we arrived, many had tears in their eyes and many couldn’t stop smiling. They all appreciated the visit, and it was the perfect opportunity to leave the past behind and step away together.
Please pray with us that God will continue to reveal Himself to these teenagers. Pray that in the uncertainty of the future, they will continue to turn to Him, as He is the only One who will never abandon them and will always love them. Praise God with us that HE is changing lives! And please continue to pray for the many who are still lost and fighting change.