Sunday, May 3, 2009

We Like to Party!

The time has quickly come for us to wrap up our follow up programs for the year and to begin planning for our 7 weeks of summer camp! Last week and this week are our last two weeks of follow up, and we have been and will continue to have lots of fun parties!

With some of the kids we went bowling, with some we went to the zoo, with others we walked into to town for an ice cream party and with others we went to a pizza restaurant for a pizza party.

Whatever it was that we did with the kids, they have had a great time and have been so thankful! And now, they are anxiously awaiting the arrival of camp!

Please pray for God to continue preparing the hearts of the 400+ kids and teenagers who will be attending our camps this summer as well as the many American and Irish teams, American interns, Romanian volunteers and American and Romanian staff who will be helping to run camp this summer! Also, please pray that the follow up/camp staff will make a smooth transition from daily follow up clubs to camp preparation and that everything will be done before our camps start on June 22!

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