Geza and his brother Bella entered "state care" at a young age. Geza has always been a special boy. He is not extremely social with children his own age, but has always had a gift for interacting with adults and is very open and verbal with them. He especially loves trying out his talent with English with anyone! Geza loves to know how things work and if often found taking things apart and making new things from the parts.

Geza lives in his own world a lot of the time and doesn't like change very much, but one change that he speaks of often as being very good was when he left the orphanage at Ludus and came into the care of Livada. He suffered a lot in the orphanage at the hands of other children and tells the story that he prayed that God would take him from there and of how we came to get him and brought he and his brother to Casa Rebeca which is now his home where they are safe and loved.

Geza is a very talented young man. Through his gifted drawings he is able to express what is inside in an amazing way. Whether he is drawing life experiences, incredibly detailed trucks and cars or other things his talent shines through.
Geza also loves music... listening to music, singing and most recently he has started taking guitar lessons and loves it!
Last, but not least, Geza loves to laugh! He really enjoys funny movies and will re-enact scenes that he loves with amazing attention to details, voices and even actions. He is open hearted, cheerful and full of hope for the future now.
Geza is turning fifteen this fall and is the oldest boy at Casa Rebeca. Pray that he will be a good leader for the other boys and that God will continue to mold him and work in his tender heart. Pray that he will continue to develop his talents in music and drawing and be able to attend the art high school in a few years. Pray that he will continue to overcome his fears and hurts from the past and live the new life God has given him to the fullest.

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