Since spring has arrived the hospital staff is allowing me to bring the babies outside in the park. I was amazed by the many different reactions that the babies showed in their time outside.

A few the babies forgot their last experience outside which was last fall. Olimpiu (3 years old), Oliviu (2 years old) and Sebi (18 months) have only experienced cement floor under their little feet so when I brought them to the park they were actually afraid to walk on the grass. The grass was not the only thing that they were afraid of, Oliviu Started crying when a small bird came close to us.

During their time outside the babies (Oliviu in particular) were shocked by the outside sounds of the passing cars and the daily noises and kept trying to understand what was going on. They live all their days in one room and when I left the hospital door with Florin he started crying. After we arrived in the park he settled down but he was so scared of the outside that he did not want to leave my arms, the entire time. Most of the little ones that I took outside fell asleep really fast and they enjoyed a nice nap in my arms.

A new baby girl has been brought to the hospital directly from the maternity ward last week. Her name is Adela and she is a precious four week old baby girl. The reason why she was left at the hospital and not taken home with her mother is that she is sick and needs treatment that the mother cannot provide having a really poor financial situation. I do not know how long she will remain in the hospital or if she will be healthy again or even if her mother can find the help she needs to take her home. All I know is that she needs our prayers and I ask you to join me and pray for Adela and all the other babies abandoned in the Ludus hospital.
I loved seeing the pics of the little ones. The new baby is just precious!
Great photo's of the little ones. Makes me remember the baby orphanage in Piatra Neamt where our daughter came from.
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