Last but not least on our little Christmas journey was a stop at Casa Ana... as you can imagine, by the time we arrived there at the very late hour of 8:00 AM, everyone was awake and waiting!

Casa Ana had a great time opening gifts, showing what they received to others and enjoying the morning together! It was extra special to have Elis and Simona back from their mentor apartment to share Christmas Eve & Christmas morning with their Casa Ana family!

As in each house, the list varies for the one thing they each wanted... here at Casa Ana, there was everything from "anything High School Musical" to "anything for soccer" and many things in between!

The kids quickly "made" their beds with their nice new bedding and many took a nap during the afternoon and mentioned how nice and warm and soft it all was!

Thank you so much to all of the sponsors and friends of Livada who helped to make Christmas so special for all of our children and teens this year! It has been a blessed season together as the kids have given... by helping with follow up, visiting the babies, going to share Christmas love and joy with the elderly and more. It has also been a joyous time for them to receive... not only things they want, but things they needed. Thank you for investing with us in their lives!
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