Wednesday, December 3, 2008

We Are Thankful...

Before moving into the Christmas season, we wanted to catch you up a little bit on all the things that our kids shared this year that they were thankful for. It is a joy to see the blessings that GOD has given us! Thank you for being one of our blessings as well. Your prayers and giving make it possible for us to continue the ministry that God has given us here in Mures County!

“I am thankful that God is helping me be good and learn in school.”
“I am thankful for the moms here who take care of us and are good to us.”
“I am thankful that I have sponsors who care about me.”
“I am thankful that I have a bed to sleep in.”
“I am thankful that we have people who love and respect us here.”
“I am thankful that I am learning to cook in the mentor apartment.”
“I am thankful that we have good conditions to live in here.”
“I am thankful for my sponsors who provide for me to stay at Casa Ana.”
“I am thankful that I am living a better life here than at Ludus.”
“I am thankful that I have a relationship with Jesus.”
“I am thankful that I am able to play on a soccer team.”
“I am thankful that God showed his grace for me and gave me life.”
“I am thankful that I have good friends.”
“I am thankful that I am able to stay here, go to high school and am helped so much.”
“I am thankful for my glasses because now I can see better.”
“I am thankful that I am safe here.”
“I am thankful that I live with lots of kids and we have fun.”
“I am thankful that I have a good job.”
“I am thankful that I go to a good school and can learn.”
“I am thankful that I have a relationship with Jesus.”
“I am thankful that I have good food and warm clothes.”
“I am thankful for the Christian people who help me and care for me.”
“I am thankful for the educators who help me with homework and projects for school.”
“I am thankful for my new apartment & mentor.”
“I am thankful that I have people to help me through life.”
“I am thankful for my sponsors who help me stay in the foundation and pray for me.”
“I am thankful that God thought of me and brought me here to have a better life.”
“I am thankful that I am taken care of and that I have help when I need it.”
“I am thankful for my guitar and bike and that Livada takes care of me.”
“I am thankful for my sponsors who love me and help me stay at Casa Rebeca.”
“I am thankful for my warm house, moms who give me good food and wash my clothes.”
“I am thankful because I came to Fundatia LOC and they love me.”
“I am thankful that I can go to school.”
“I am thankful because God knows me and I have a relationship with Him.”

We are thankful for each child God has given us... all of our faithful staff... and of course for all of you!

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