Tuesday, June 17, 2008

CAMP VETCA is back...

Yes, Vetca is back and better than ever! The Coles, all the interns, the follow up staff, and others have been out at Vetca for the past two days putting up all the tents and getting things ready for the kids! Camp will begin with the first group of children next week and after two long days of work it is really looking like camp once again!

There were two teams of interns who worked putting up tents today with some experienced tent builders on each team... they had a good time "motivating each other" to work quickly and enjoy the day!

The girls give Work Week at Vetca a big "Thumbs Up!"

Hope I didn't make you dizzy with the quick panoramic tour of Vetca... as you can see, we have a new addition this year... the pavilion is up and will give shade, a dry place in the event of rain and a basketball court for free time fun! YEAH!

Please keep the Intern Team and the Coles in your prayers this week as they continue to work and prepare camp. Pray that all the details will come together, that the weather will stay nice so that they can get all the outdoor work done, that they will stay healthy and full of energy even with long days in the sun and most of all that God will continue to bond them together in unity and love that will spill over into the lives of the kids as they arrive next week!

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