If you have been to Romania with us, you have most likely met Becky Kyle. She served as a summer intern for several years and moved to Romania to serve full time in 2003. She has served in leading girl's club for teenage girls in the state orphanages, helped to bring our Mentor Program to a deeper place and served as the Director of that program as well as spending many hours pouring into all the children in our care, both in the day to day and with special programs, games, events, vacations and more. She has blessed the staff by creatively planning holiday events and picnics for us all.

The staff as well as the children will miss Becky as she moves back to America this summer at the end of June. We have had a few parties where we have gathered her Romanian friends, old and new, to join us in remembering her years here together and wishing her well as she goes. The kids and teens all gathered yesterday and presented her with a book of letters telling her the ways they were thankful for her, what they had learned from her, the most fun memory with her and more. It was a special time for them to get to share their love and appreciation.

Please pray for Becky as she transitions back into life in America after serving faithfully in Romania for the past five years. Pray for the ministry and the children who will feel the loss of her in their lives each day. Pray for God to continue to raise up those who He chooses to come and serve in Romania as we move forward. We are so thankful for Becky!
Woul be ever be wonted, would he ever be loved? God know that. Abandoned by his parents when he was just three years old, Rob Mitchell his journey as one of the last lifers ( like children from Ludus) in America orphanage. As Rob loneliness and rage grew, his hope shrank. The moment I read first page, I was cryng. I could put the book down... this story reminds me personally of Gods love. Many chapters ending were dramatic cliff-hangers. This literature that explores universal themes of loneliness, rejection, anger, bitterness, and need for forgiveness. From this story i find that God create us special for this world. To change, to bring kindness...It's hard. You can't plan it. You have to watch people more. Sort of keep an eye on them... to protect them... cause they can't always see what they need. It's your big chance to "fix something" that's not like your bike... You can fix a person..."
Tks my firend ( who give me this gift)... this book Castaway kid- is wrilly amazing...
i mean, my friend...
I wish you luck Becki
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