Eniko just turned 15! She is growing into a beautiful young lady and quickly growing out of being a little girl. Her big request as with any 15 year old was for a little freedom and a way to connect with friends. She was thrilled to receive money from several sponsors this birthday which allowed her to pick out her first cell phone. She was thrilled and rarely lets it out of her sight. She also received a ring and a photo album... all girl.

While Eniko wants to be all grown up... Sergiu who just turned 9 is loving just being a little boy and all that comes with it. For his birthday he even pitched in some of his own money to get a bike and is not often seen anywhere but looping the court yard and riding the driveway with it ever since!

Sergiu loves the outdoors, riding his bike, playing with his toy airplane that he also received for his birthday and is quite the boy.

Let us treat you to a little Romanian and LOC birthday tradition... everyone singing the Romanian birthday song as the birthday boy comes down the stairs. We hope you enjoy joining us for a bit of birthday fun!
Little kids or growing teens... boys or girls... everyone loves to feel special and know they are cared for on their birthday. Thank you to all of you who help make each child's birthday so special! Please continue to pray that as the years come and go that not only will our kids be adding years, but that they will be growing, healing, and becoming who God wants them to be.
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