Monday, June 30, 2008

The girls of Campenita...

About five years ago, Livada had the opportunity to partner with the state to open one of their first group homes as they began to move children out of the large orphanages in our county. This home was opened in Campenita with nine sweet girls from the "Big Blue" special needs orphanage. The "parents" for this house have poured into these girls and taught them life skills as well as little things that they could use to earn a living.... making jewelery, painting, basket making, etc.

Many of these girls have very limited intellect, but all of them have grown over the past five years in this home filled with love and patience into sweet young adults. These girls have had follow up programs in their home over the past several years and this year they participated in Club FUEL on Saturday mornings.

Please continue to pray for these girls and for their "parents" as they grow older and learn to be as independent as possible. They are so thankful for all that is done for them and with them. It is a blessing to see how far these girls have come in a safe and loving environment after being in Big Blue for so many years. Thank you to all of you who invest in our general ministry needs and camp ministry as it allows us to invest in the lives of these sweet girls as well as so many others in state care.

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